Moroccan citizenship can be acquired in different ways, subject to the conditions set by the Code of the Moroccan Nationality. Nationality may be primarily attributed through parental or paternal filiation. The law also allows for the acquisition of Moroccan nationality by birth and residence: when a child is born in Morocco of unknown parents and when a child is born in Morocco of foreign parents on condition of having a regular residency in Morocco and declaring the intention to acquire Moroccan nationality within two years of his/her majority. When a child born outside of Morocco, has been taken into care by a Moroccan person for more than five years, the latter must submit a declaration for the acquisition of Moroccan nationality by the child.
Acquisition of Moroccan nationality may also occur through marriage, only when a foreign woman is married to a Moroccan man, and the household has maintained habitual and regular residence in Morocco for at least 5 years.
In addition, Moroccan citizenship can be granted through the naturalization procedure. Articles 11 and 12 of the Code set out all the conditions. The applicant must be (i) of legal age, (ii) have a habitual and regular residence in Morocco during the 5 years preceding the filing of the application and reside in Morocco until it is decided on this request and (iii) be in of good conduct and in healthy body and mind.
Foreigners who rendered exceptional services in Morocco or whose naturalisation presents an exceptional interest for Morocco can be naturalised regardless of the conditions set by the Code.
The acquisition of Moroccan nationality has no effect on the nationality of origin of the person concerned. Article 8 of the Moroccan Nationality Code provides that the attribution or the withdrawal of the Moroccan nationality from birth does not affect the validity of other acts or rights. Article 10 provides that acts passed in accordance with the previous national law of the person concerned, before the acquisition of Moroccan nationality, remain valid.